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Redmap and IMAS at Seafest

The Redmap Team, 26 Mar 2013.

Redmap was part of this year's Seafest in Triabunna, a festival about all things marine. The Redmap and IMAS stands attracted hundreds of people curious about the project. Kids were drawn to our table to guess the number of lolly snakes in a fish tank (there were 448!). And 120 people answered the IMAS-Redmap quiz to go in the draw for an ipad.

  • Kids could guess how many snakes were in the fish tank. Closest guess won the lollies and the tank!

  • The Redmap and IMAS stalls at Triabunna's Seafest.

  • People could answer a quiz to be in the draw for an ipad!

  • Kids (and parents!) also loved the IMAS-Redmap colouring "station".

  • The eye-catching IMAS and Redmap stalls were popular at Seafest.

Left: kids could guess the number of "sea snakes" in a tank. Closest guess won!

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