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Redmap officially launches in Victoria!

Redmap Vic, 06 Dec 2013.

Redmap Victoria was launched at Museum Victoria!

On a pleasant Spring evening in October, Dr Mark Norman, Head of Sciences at Museum Victoria, kicked off the official launch of Redmap Victoria. The event, attended by about 70 people interested in contributing to our knowledge of changes happening to Victoria’s marine environments, had food, drinks, freebies and fascinating talks. Dianne Bray gave a background to Redmap and talked about the range of marine critters being tracked in Victoria, then ran through how easy it is to log a sighting, especially with the new Redmap App. Dr Kate Charlton-Robb, an expert on marine mammals, showed us how to identify the whales and dolphins we might see along Victoria’s coast. A great evening was had by all and local interest in Redmap has been sparked amongst fishers, divers, and within scientific and community organisations.

Redmap is funded by

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