What's been spotted in Victoria?
Dianne Bray, 11 Dec 2013.
The official launch of Redmap Victoria in October sparked the interest of local fishers, divers and scientists. So what's been spotted by Redmap members that could be deemed 'unusual' to certain parts of the Victorian coast?
It’s wonderful to have our Victorian Redmappers spotting so many Western Blue Groper, Achoerodus gouldii, around Port Phillip Heads.
Spotted Grubfish, Parapercis ramsayi, have also been seen in Port Phillip Bay.
And, it’s not only fishes that are being spotted!
A rare Leatherback Turtle, Lepidochelys coriacea, was sighted recently in Port Phillip Bay. Unfortunately, it took off in a rush before posing for a photo!
Mary Malloy, a really keen Redmap member, also spotted the remains of a Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, washed ashore in the Bay.
See more Redmap Victoria sightings here.