National News

CSIRO and UTAS: Warmer seas in Tassie

Felt a little hot under the collar this summer? Analysis of water temperatures around Tasmania show that seas off the east coast were a whopping 4.4 degrees Celsius above average, partly due to the warm East Australian Current extending southwards. Read more in The Conversation.

Tasmanian salmon: Hope falling water temperatures will help local farmers

Tasmanian water temperatures are beginning to fall after a hot summer, signalling some relief on the way for local salmon growers.  Salmon farmer Tassal has blamed warm waters for its withdrawal from two tenders for supply contracts with Coles because the temperatures were impacting on the growth rates for its farmed fish. Read the full story at ABC News.

Game fish follow warm route south

There was a summer spike in strange marine sightings in the South West/Capes region [of WA], as fish typically found in the State’s north made their way down via the warming Leeuwin Current. Spanish mackerel, marlin and redthroat emporer were just a handful of fish species recently spotted along the South West coast, all of which generally favour the warmer northern waters, writes the Busselton Dunsborough Times.

Snakes in a tank at Seafest marine festival

Redmap and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) will be chatting to fishers, boaters and the community at Seafest this Saturday, 2 April.  Come along to the marine festival in Triabunna for your chance to win an aquarium full of lolly snakes or a marine book - and chat to the Redmap and IMAS staff about fishing and any weird and wonderful fish you've caught lately.

Tracking 'marine heatwaves' since 1950

Unusually warm oceans can have widespread effects on marine ecosystems. Warm patches off the Pacific Northwest from 2013 to 2015, and a couple of years earlier in the Atlantic Ocean, affected everything from sea lions to fish migration routes to coastal weather. 

A University of Washington oceanographer is lead author of a study looking at the history of such features across the Northern Hemisphere. The study was published in March …

Diving a hobby into a career

How do you turn a hobby like SCUBA diving into a job? Ask 17-year-old Tasmanian Jakob Lister. The high school student grabs his dive gear and heads underwater every chance he gets.  Now he’s grabbed the chance to steer his love of the ocean towards a career. He’s won a Redmap scholarship to join a Marine Biology course, run by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, on Maria Island …

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