National News

Robots to identify what makes the Indian Ocean tick

A fleet of floating bio-robots will be deployed between Christmas Island and Madagascar next week to help gain an understanding of the physical and biological workings of the crucially important Indian Ocean. Read the full story here.

How will cold-loving Antarctic fish respond to warming ocean waters?

Phys Org writes: Antarctic fish are a vital component to the food web that sustains life in the cold Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica. They feed on smaller organisms, and serve as meals for the bigger ones. But little is known about how the rapid rate at which these waters are warming will affect the development of fish embryos and their growth after hatching, according to Northeastern professor William Detrich.  …

Redmap website down this Saturday

The Redmap website and app will be down for 24 hours this Saturday for maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience - we'll be back on Sunday after 6am!

Science Behind the Camera: Snapping Pictures for Climate Research

In 2015, mankind will take about one trillion photos. Up until 2010, 3.8 trillion photos had been taken. If taking photos solved climate change, 2015 would cause the earth’s climate to be cesspool-level stagnant, writes Discover Magazine Online. As we know, taking photographs does not solve climate change — If only. Still, citizen science projects like RedMap use photography to collect data on our changing environment. Read the full …

Dwindling fish stocks require consumption changes: IMAS study

It's depressing news for fish lovers but a new study has found dwindling fish stocks will mean consumption patterns will have to dramatically change within a decade, writes ABC Radio. The University of Tasmania research found nations and industries are competing for fish and it will soon no longer be viable to use the resource for both food and products like fertiliser. Read the full story and listen to the …

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