National News

eOceans DAY! June 8

Are you planning on being on or in the ocean on June 8? If so, you can participate in eOceans Day! Simply report your marine observations  to one of the many citizen science programs that are available - including Redmap if you see something unusual for a given area. Read on...


Competition videos: Australia interprets Redmap

Watch these 35 fantastic entries into the Redmap video competition! Redmap asked Australians to make a 45-second video about Redmap and ocean warming. We received every type of video from mocumentaries to skits, animations, interviews and wonderful underwater footage.

Glacier melting past point of no return

Scientists from NASA and the University of California Irvine are warning that a group of melting glaciers in West Antarctica appear to have reached the point of no return, writes ABC's The World Today.  Professor Eric Rignot talks to ABC radio about the 20 years of satellite data that maps the retreat of the glaciers. Read more here.


Redmap video competition

Make a 45-sec video about Redmap and raise awareness of ocean warming. There are $5,000 in cash prizes to be won!  Anyone can enter and any style of video is welcome. So get on your creative caps and submit your 45-sec video by 1 May 2014!  See competition details here.

Tropical fisheries to be hardest hit

Climate change will force marine species from tropical to mid and high latitudes by the middle of this century, according to a new report by the IPCC.  Read the full UTas article here.


Redmap April newsletter

This edition covers Redmap's video competition, our oddest-looking sightings (like warty prowfish and yellow sea slugs), and other marine news. Read it here.

Top 6 Oddest Sightings

A yellow sea slug, warty prowfish and roundbelly cowfish all made it onto Redmap’s Top 6 Oddest Sightings.  Check out this completely subjective list – and what the scientists have to say about them.

How do we measure the ocean?

Marine scientists are measuring properties like temperature and salinity in oceans around the world using 3,500 robotic floats as part of the Argo project.  IMOS has produced a stop-start animation about the Argo floats to inspire children about marine science. Watch it here

Mud crabs march south

As recently as 2000, the chance of stumbling upon a mud crab south of Western Australia’s Shark Bay was remote. Now there are reports of mud crabs in every major south-western estuary. In fact, mud crabs have even been seen as far south as Denmark’s Wilson Inlet, over 1,000 km south of their historical distribution.

Redmap's famous sighting: Steven Sealberg

An elephant seal camping on a Perth beach has received thousands of visitors, hundreds of Twitter followers and the title "Steven Sealberg" (decided by online pole). The 2000kg seal, more at home in sub-Antarctic islands, has been logged on Redmap here.  Read more about the seal in PerthNow.

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