Queensland News

QLD's tropical fish under threat?

New research shows there’s been a rapid increase in the numbers of fish caught in the Tropics, raising questions about environmental impacts and the sustainability of the crucial resource. Read the James Cook University article here.

Fishy facts

Here are some facts about marine life you never even knew you wanted to know!

Purple monsters found off QLD coast

New Scientist writes: Could Australia have had schools of mysterious, technicolour purple jellyfish swimming off its shores all along without anybody noticing? After one such creature, previously unknown in Australia – and probably to science – washed up on a Queensland coast last week, jellyfish scientist Lisa-ann Gershwin has received a string of reported sightings dating back to 2008. Read the full story here.

Competition videos: Australia interprets Redmap

Watch these 35 fantastic entries into the Redmap video competition! Redmap asked Australians to make a 45-second video about Redmap and ocean warming. We received every type of video from mocumentaries to skits, animations, interviews and wonderful underwater footage.

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