Redmap's sea slug lover
Sea slug lover, octopus wrestler and shark-shield convert: Naomi Arrowsmith is one interesting diver! And she's recorded some amazing photos on Redmap.org.au
Sea slug lover, octopus wrestler and shark-shield convert: Naomi Arrowsmith is one interesting diver! And she's recorded some amazing photos on Redmap.org.au
Year 10 student Georgia Poyner from Narooma, NSW, donned a lab coat and wet weather gear for an action-packed week of field and lab experience at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) in Hobart recently. She measured rock lobsters, cut out fish ears and discovered what whale poop looks like.
Say what? Let me translate: how well do scientists communicate their research to the public? Now you can let us know and vote for videos entered in the Australian Society for Fish Biology's Student Science Communication Awards, including three PhD students from IMAS!
THE Great Barrier Reef’s most popular tourist sites show just two per cent of coral has died off, with the rest in “positive” signs of recovery, despite the world’s biggest mass coral bleaching event on record. New research found about 68 per cent of reefs from Cairns to Lizard Island had varying levels of coral bleaching, but most of it likened to sunburn on a human body where the coral glows …
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is asking fishers and spearfishers to help spread the word and consider leaving plant-eating fish on the Great Barrier Reef to help build new coral colonies following the mass coral bleaching event.
A surprising 60-year boom in global octopus, squid and cuttlefish numbers points to long-term changes taking place in the world's oceans, scientists say. Read the full story at ABC News.
Next time you need an excuse to go fishing again, feel free to the Redmap excuse: "It's not fishing, it's research!"
Hugh Richardson is an avid diver, travelling up and down the coast in search of WA's best dive spots. He's also a Redmap member and has logged some unusual sightings online.
The summer of 2015-2016 was one of the hottest on record in Australia. But it has also been hot in the waters surrounding the nation: the hottest summer on record, in fact. Read the full article in the Conversation AU.
WARM sea temperatures have lured an assortment of unusual sea creatures to Tasmania in recent months – some slithery and others scrumptious. Anglers are buzzing over the larger numbers of sought-after table fish visiting the island, with catches of whopper yellowtail kingfish, snapper and broadbill swordfish. Read the full story in The Mercury.