Latest Activity
Arothron firmamentum (Mainstay Puffer) spotted by Steve Reynolds
South Australia,
Found by Lee Roberts, mid-way in the surf zone Brighton beach, SA 1.30pm 29/7/18
(Red Gurnard) spotted by Mark Russell
South Australia,
Bougainville's Frogfish spotted by Mark Tozer
South Australia,
Bougainville's Frogfish (Smooth Angler)
Heteroscarus acroptilus (rainbow cale) spotted by Will Richards
South Australia,
Caught this fish early January straight out from Cape Jaffa SE SA, unsure what fish it is as have never seen it before and have been fishing there for many years.
Centrostephanus tenuispinus (purple urchin) spotted by Paul Day
South Australia,
Centrostephanus tenuispinus recorded at Moana, Gulf of St Vincent, South Australia. Depth 5 m, date 13/03/2016
Latest News
Redmap newsletter Summer 2017
The Redmap Team have judged their favourite marine sightings ever - check them out in the Redmap Newsletter (Summer 2016/2017). Also in this edition: your community data is reviewed in the Redmap Report Card 2016, meet some Redmap scientists - and why are Tasmanian waters heating up faster than usual?