South Australian News

SA's Cuttlefish website (PIRSA)

The Giant Australian cuttlefish (Sepia apama) is one of the largest cuttlefish in the world, and can reach up to 60cm in length and 5kg. They occur across southern Australia but aggregate to breed near Point Lowly, in the Spencer Gulf, SA. This is the giant cuttlefish's only known breeding aggregation in the world. But numbers were declining over recent years and scientists were not sure why. Researchers …

Ocean algae can evolve fast to tackle climate change

Tiny marine algae can evolve fast enough to cope with climate change in a sign that some ocean life may be more resilient than thought to rising temperatures and acidification, a study showed - writes the Sydney Morning Herald. Read the full story here.

Fishy facts

Here are some facts about marine life you never even knew you wanted to know!

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