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Western blue groper spotted by aidan
Many Elephants Test - Western Blue Groper
Capropygia unistriata Spiny Boxfish? spotted by Alan Beckhurst
Spiny Boxfish, Capropygia unistriata?? Found on Queenscliff beach. (Victoria)
Alabes dorsalis spotted by Heidi Harron
I found this blindfish(?) at Flinders Pier (Victoria) and have been asked to log it as it may not be common here in Victoria
Whitebarred boxfish spotted by PT Hirschfield
Juvenile White Barred Boxfish at Rye Pier 2 Feb 2018 by
Latest News
Increasing opportunity for kingfish in Tasmanian waters
Sightings of yellowtail kingfish in Tasmanian waters have been regularly logged with Redmap since the program began. These records are particularly valuable because they indicate that kingfish from eastern Australia could be on the move south, suggesting that some dedicated scientific research may be necessary to get to the bottom of what’s going on.
In this article, PhD student and kingfish project leader Curtis Champion describes recently published findings that show the ocean conditions favoured by kingfish are moving further south, and importantly, indicate that an increase in the number of months each year that these conditions persist off Tasmania is very likely in the future.