What's on the move

Red emperor

Lutjanus sebae

(Image credit: David Harasti)

A fish easily identified in the juvenile and young adult stages by the striking markings on its body. Three dark red bands cross the body vertically. One runs from the front of the dorsal fin, through the eye and ends at the mouth. The second runs from the middle of the dorsal fin, crosses just behind the pectoral fin and ends on the pelvic fin (the pelvic fin is the same colour as the band). The third band originates at the rear of the dorsal fin and crosses diagonally to the lower corner of the tail. A small area on the upper tail is also marked with a band, or a spot in some individuals. In large adults the bands connect to become one, making the fish a bright red colour.

Length: Up to 1 m


Rocky or coral reefs and rubble seabeds. Juveniles and young adults in shallow inshore reefs. Adults deeper. Commonly found on wrecks; 10-100 m depth

Log it

Log this species south of Shark Bay, Western Australia, or if found anywhere in New South Wales

Related links/info

Species names on the Redmap site are based on the Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota or CAAB (http://www.cmar.csiro.au/caab/). This is updated regularly and lists the approved common name, family, species name and more.

Redmap species descriptions were based, with permission, on the following resources:

Australian Marine Life: The Plants and Animals of Temperate Waters by G. J. Edgar, Revised Ed. (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne

Allen,G. R (2009). Field Guide to Marine Fishes of Tropical Australia and South-East Asia. Fourth Edition.Western Australian Museum. Perth. Western Australia

Fishes of Australia’s Southern Coast, Edited by M. Gomon. D. Bray and R. Kuiter (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne

Find further information and images at FISHES OF AUSTRALIA http://www.fishesofaustralia.net.au/

Number of sightings 8

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