National News

To bleach or not to bleach?

Researchers examining the impact of climate change on coral reefs have found a way to predict which reefs are likely to recover following bleaching episodes and which won't, writes Science Daily. Read the full story here.

Urchins adapt to warming oceans

As climate change adds to the threat of extinction faced by many species, new research shows how sea urchins can adapt to the increasing temperature and levels of acidity in Antarctic waters, writes the Climate News Network. Read the story here.

Redmap highlights from 2014

Redmap is all about collating and sharing marine observations by everyday Australians - here are some of the highlights from around Australia. Thanks to all the fishers, divers and beachcombers who sent Redmap photos of their uncommon sightings in 2014!

Science chief warns on acid oceans

The UK's chief scientist says the oceans face a serious and growing risk from man-made carbon emissions, writes BBC News: Sir Mark Walport warns that the acidity of the oceans has increased by about 25% since the industrial revolution, mainly thanks to manmade emissions. Read the full article here.

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