National News

Molluscs on the move

Snails aren’t best known for moving at anything faster than, well, a snail’s pace.  Yet out in the oceans, a seismic shift in the ranges of species seems to be gathering pace, with snails and their relatives at the vanguard.

Redmap data: Top 10 sightings and other trends

Australian divers, fishers, and beachcombers have reported 1060+ sightings on Redmap. Nearly 30 per cent of the confirmed sightings were considered uncommon where spotted, i.e. they were out of their known range. Here are the latest trends from the Redmap data...

Sydney octopuses heading south as Tasmanian waters warm

A Tasmanian researcher has found octopuses from Sydney are reproducing in Tasmanian waters, writes ABC News.  The common Sydney octopus was thought to have migrated south because of rising ocean temperatures. The creature was usually found between southern Queensland and southern New South Wales. Read the full story here.

Southern Hemisphere ocean warming 'underestimated'

ABC Science writes: Previous estimates of global ocean warming have been significantly underestimated due to historically sparse temperature data from the Southern Ocean, new research has found. Read the full article here.

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