Victorian News

Profile: diving diva

SCUBA diver Sarah Speight is relatively new to the sport but has taken to it, well, like a fish to water. She's glimpsed many unusual marine life during five years of diving in New South Wales and Victoria. Here she describes her favourite sightings that she logged on Redmap!

It's not fishing, it's research!

Next time your partner whines you're going fishing again, feel free to use our excuse: "It's not fishing, it's research!"  Check out Redmap's new 45-sec promo video!

Wacky climate impacts

Chocolate rations, “crazy” fish and the spread of ancient diseases probably don’t spring to mind when you think of climate change. We scanned the news for reports of the more unusual impacts of rising temperatures.

Divers' soapbox

About 75 per cent of Redmap photos are uploaded by scuba divers! Read these amusing dive stories from citizen scientists around the country. 

Rivers and wetlands may also feel the heat

From ABC Radio NT: Kakadu National Park is home to some of Australia's most iconic wetland landscapes, but will the environment always look the way it does now? Scientists are trying to find out how the region's tropical river systems work, and what might happen to them as the climate changes. Read the full ABC article here.

Breeding Victorian snapper something to celebrate

Fisheries scientist Paul Hamer was out on Port Phillip Bay after dark conducting important marine research when he felt like interrupting the scientific focus with a bottle of champagne, writes The Age. Read why he's celebrating the number of snapper breeding in Port Phillip Bay here.

Great App: The Victorian Rec Fishing Guide

The Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide is now available as a free iPhone and Android App. It features colour illustrations of more than 65 Victorian species. Anglers can identify their catch and confirm size and bag limits, and access information on permitted equipment and closed seasons. There is also a marine park boundary locator. Read more and download the App here.

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