Victorian News

Salty stories from "Redmappers"

Redmap has received more than 330 sightings since its national launch five months ago.  But who are "Redmappers"? They’re fishers, divers and beachgoers who send Redmap photos of uncommon marine life! Meet some of Redmap's "citizen scientists" who are mad-keen anglers (next issue: divers!).

How to set up a citizen science program: webinar

If you are thinking of starting a citizen science program - and wondering how to make it successful - then you should join this live online seminar (aka "webinar") on July 18. It will be co-hosted by Redmap founder Dr Gretta Pecl and other successful Australian citizen science program leaders.

Fisheries feel the heat around the globe

New research published in the science journal Nature has revealed the impacts of climate change on global fisheries.  An analysis of fish catches and water temperatures show that ocean warming has already affected global fisheries in the past four decades, driving up the proportion of warm-water fish being caught. Read more here.  

Citizen science goes high tech

Mobile technology is enabling people to become productive in ways they never thought possible and recently the scientific community has been looking to tap into that productivity by enlisting citizen scientists, writes Brett Smith for Read the full article here.

100+ Redmap sightings!

This red emperor was spotted near Geraldton in WA, south of its usual range, by Redmap member Jon Jarvis. Australian fishers and divers have logged over 100 marine critters since Redmap Australia launched in mid-December!  See some recent sightings around the country here.

Climate change impacts on south-east Australian fisheries

Australia’s south east is a climate change ‘hotspot’, with marine waters warming at more than three times the global average. Warming will affect Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors in different ways, according to the El Nemo South East Australia Program (SEAP).

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Regional funding bodies

Regional supporters